Hatfield Halloween Hunt 2019

Congratulations to Max Turetsky & Emmy Kuniy, winners of the $15 Bistro gift cards.  Their names were drawn from those who found the five clue words throughout our library and website to solve the Hatfield Halloween Hunt riddle (below).

Thank you everyone for participating this year!



Five clues have been hidden throughout the library and its website for the Halloween Hunt which runs October 28th to the 31st.  Complete a specific task before discovering a hidden word. Collect all five words and then arrange them to solve the riddle below.  Drop off this completed form at the circulation desk by midnight on October 31st for a small prize and a chance to win a $15 Bistro gift card!  Blitz with an umbrella

Clue #1: Blitz loves books about folktales.  Find these books in the 2nd floor stacks.

Clue #2: Blitz has an online Library Guide (LibGuide) for his College Colloquium course called “Blitz’s College Colloquium.”  Find it.

Clue #3: Blitz’s Prof. Meadowlark placed the book “Songs of the Bearcat” on reserve.  Find it.

Clue #4: Blitz found a historical photo of ghosts! Find it in the Archives (2nd floor).

Clue #5: Blitz wrote the biology thesis “Binturong of Willamette.” It is online in the Academic Commons. Find it.

The riddle: Why did Blitz miss the Haunted Halls?  
(Oct 31th at 4-7pm in Montag.  https://events.willamette.edu/event/haunted-halls)

Blitz was  ____________    ____________   ____________    ____________    ____________

Your name & email:  ________________________     ___________________________

For questions or comments, contact John Repplinger (jrepplin@willamette.edu