April Showers Bring May Flowers

cup of tea, flowers, poetry booksApril in Oregon is an exciting time of the year, complete with wild weather, bursting blossoms, and frolicking ducks and geese.  The whole natural world awakens with new growth and new life.  As thrilling as this revitalization is, April is exciting for another important reason–it’s National Poetry Month!  In 1996, the Academy of American Poetry (AAP) proclaimed April as National Poetry Month and poetry lovers have been celebrating this month ever since.  According to AAP, their goals for the month include an effort to “highlight the extraordinary legacy and ongoing achievement of American poets” and “encourage the reading of poems.”  So while you’re out appreciating the wonders of spring, why not take a moment to appreciate the wonders of poetry?  Take a look at our WU Reads Reading Guide for a selection of current volumes of poetry in our collection.


Poetry is language at its most distilled and most powerful. — Rita Dove


Poetry has never been the language of barriers, it’s always been the language of bridges. — Amanda Gorman

For more information about National Poetry Month visit: https://poets.org/national-poetry-month